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Hevsel Times
Hevsel Times hêz dide ciwanan ku li cihê ku herî zêde pêwîstî bi çalakiyê heye têbigihîjin. Jîngeha hevkariyê cîhê çêtirîn e ku meriv fêr bibe û geÅŸ bibe.

Çima Navenda Înîsiyatîfa Ciwanan a Hevsel Times heye?

Di bingehê xwe de, Hevsel Times civakek zanyarên ciwan ên ku dildariya hevkariyê parve dikin da ku bandorek domdar di civakên xwe de çêbikin. Bi destpêkirina projeyan an piÅŸtgirîkirina însiyatîfên ku ji hêla ciwanan ve têne dîtin, em armanc dikin ku bandora xwe li ser civakê xurt bikin û têgihîÅŸtina xwe ya kok, zanist, domdar û lêkolînê berfireh bikin. Tevlihevkirina çêkirina projeyan formek pêkvekirî ya vîzyona me ye ku em ciwanên afirîner nirx biafirînin û wan bi hêz bikin ku ew bibin biryarderên sibê.


Yek ji têgînên sereke yên di navbera nirxên me de ev e ku em jîngehek bilind bikin û bibin malê înîsiyatîvên ku endamên me dest pê dikin. Ji ber ku em bi rêxistinên ne-qezenc re ÅŸêwirdarî, fon û hevkariyên pispor pêÅŸkêÅŸî dikin da ku bandora ku endamên me hewl didin, ekosîstema avaker û jêhatî-zêdekirina ku em diafirînin, dibe jîngehek çêtirîn ku dest pê bikin, pêÅŸve bibin û wate bidin destpêÅŸxeriyên ku ji hêla ciwanan ve têne dîtin. afirandin.

Animal Savehicle

Animal Savehicle develops a sensor-based circuit to detect and deter animals. If any of the sensors detect the animal, the system warns the driver and sends sound waves to deter this animal.


Delavo developed ECaundry—water filtration apparatus designed to be implanted within the washing machines to manage their water and energy use.


FibreGuard aims to be a global leader in asbestos detection and prevention. FibreGuard envisions a world where everyone has the knowledge and tools to safeguard themselves from asbestos risks.

Hevsel High School Law Review (HSLR)

The High School Law Review serves to provide curriculum for to students and teachers around the world in the field of legal debate and writing.


Taxikonomi is a podcast series in which Turkish people from different social classes are interviewed. Taxikonomi  examines how the ongoing financial crisis affected them.


Copipest is a non-profit organization carrying out projects against soil, water, and air pollution by regulating herbicide dosages in agricultural production.

Delivered to You

Delivered to You is a non-profit organization that establishes equality of opportunity in education by reaching underrepresented students and exchanging valuable knowledge about STEM.

Hemi Change

Hemi Change is a sustainable plastic produced from hemicellulose and glycerol in order to respond to widely known problems of plastic products.


MethaRise represents a comprehensive worldwide climate initiative devised to mitigate methane emissions.


TechnoHear is an initiative aimed at hearing-impaired community. TechnoHear designed an online dictionary which voices daily phrases for hearing-impaired individuals.


CropWare is a non-profit biotechnology organization that produces sustainable agricultural technologies, established to minimize the negative effects of climate change and global warming.


Firmocret reaches out to earthquake victims, supports the students in earthquake zones with educational material, and develops a sustainable, feasible, zero-waste, and durable concrete.

Hevsel Global Scholars

Hevsel Global Scholars is a collaborative initiative aiming to create a dynamic and inclusive learning environment by bringing together high school students from across Turkey.

Neurolize Youth

Neurolize Youth aims to “neurolize” the next generation by creating accessibility and empowerment as they unlock the mysteries of brain and behavior.

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